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This page shows how to display graphical components in background, always present, even if other elements are displayed on top.

Use the Background Parameters link in the menu to configure the globe.

Use the Show/Hide Computed Data button to display the computed data in the foreground.

The Marquee panel (available from the hamburger ≡ menu) will show the same data, formatted, in a dialog, on top of others.


All celestial calculations are based on Hening Umland's remarkable work.

Background Parameters... ×
Center on: User Position
Sun Position
    Real Time
Auto-refresh the date every second.
Simulate Pressure and Heading
Transparent Globe
Display Polar Grid
Display Sun
Display Moon
Display Sun Light
Display Moon Light
Wandering Bodies
Display Stars
With Constellations
Tropics & Polar Circles
Solar Date Foreground
Astro Data Marquee ×
Sun Path ×
× Help!
Background parameters Toggle foreground Marquee Panel Sun Path
More links here, some day...

  ≡ ES6 Celestial Computer, SPA with BG Components

Last code update Jan 16, 2025, 18:00 CET
Sun & Moon
Sun Azimuth (SVG)...
Sun Elevation (SVG)...
Moon Azimuth (SVG)...
Moon Elevation (SVG)...

Once the page is loaded, all calculations and renderings happen only in the browser, it generates absolutely NO network traffic.
Guaranteed 0% external libraries (100% pure organic HTML5/CSS3/ES6), no GMO.
Help !
How-to: Use the hamburger (≡) at the top left to set the background parameters (Wandering bodies, Sunlight, Real Time...)
Then you can show or hide the computed data... And you can use the "Help" in the sliding menu.
Position on Earth
Latitude:   Longitude:   
Enable GeoLocation
UTC Date, and options
Enter UTC date and time, then click the Compute button (in the background parameters).
at : : UTC
Skip planets calculations
Skip stars calculations
Console verbose